April is here and the shop is still closed as we all ride out the COVID-19 pandemic. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe at home! We are all eager to get back to tattooing, It’s been tough not being able to be in the shop and not being able to work with our awesome clients, but we’ve still been in touch with everyone. We’ve had so many people reach out to us and who have been sending us photos of their healed tattoos. It’s been great staying connected with everyone in this way.

If you don’t already follow me on instagram, please take a moment to click this link ( www.instagram.com/rich_cahill ) and click follow so you can keep up with all of the healed tattoo photos that are rolling in. Also, if you have any you tattoos that I have done for you that would like to share, please send me a message on instagram with the photo! I would love to check them out and see how they have settled in!

Thank you to all of our clients, who have been nothing short of amazing during all of this! Your love and support have been incredible.


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