Fall Tattoo Round Up / New Web Site!


I’ve been Pretty busy the last couple of months. Working on large and small projects. Im almost done with Two separate back pieces. I have a handful of sittings on Rich, who I’m tattooing a straight on view of a black and grey dragon. Then there is Nick . I started with a cover up of a wizard on Nick’s right shoulder then he wanted to go full back piece. Im stoked! One or two more sittings on this one and we are finished. I have to get photos of various tattoos from this year. So I will post them asap. Thanks to my brother Dave at Rivernet Computers for the much improved website.

“Hounds of Hell” Print For Sale!

I did this neat painting last year called “Hounds of Hell”. To me it represents the conditioning of war on society and the effects on the human mind. It’s printed on Archival water color paper at the size of 18″x18″ limited edition of 50, signed and numbered. I will send one to you for $60 dollars plus shipping. E-mail me at changfreely@gmail.com if you are interested.
Rich Cahill