Fall Tattoo Round Up / New Web Site!


I’ve been Pretty busy the last couple of months. Working on large and small projects. Im almost done with Two separate back pieces. I have a handful of sittings on Rich, who I’m tattooing a straight on view of a black and grey dragon. Then there is Nick . I started with a cover up of a wizard on Nick’s right shoulder then he wanted to go full back piece. Im stoked! One or two more sittings on this one and we are finished. I have to get photos of various tattoos from this year. So I will post them asap. Thanks to my brother Dave at Rivernet Computers for the much improved website.

Summer Tattoo Round Up

Its been a very busy and productive summer so far. I’ve started 2 killer dragon back piece’s and tattooed some other very cool stuff. Im super stoked on a back piece on my buddy Nick. It started as a cover up and eventually ended up covering his whole back. I love Japanese dragons they are fun to tattoo and look sick! The other is on Rich . I’ve done both Rich’s sleeves and I am so honored to do his Dragon Back piece. Rich might be my fist body suit. Im am booked for a few months now. And still taking requests for work in the future so if you have something in mind give me an email.

2011 Allentown Tattoo Show

On Friday it started out great. I tattooed Samantha Goodman’s ribs on her way to the Sturgis roadshow. Then on to my ole buddy Jared Urban who I’ve been tattooing for 15 years now. It was good to see the same face’s as last year and some new ones as well. I always have a good time at the Skinvitational. On Saturday I didn’t make any appointments and just took walk bys. I did well and had fun drawing tattoos up on the spot. I Started out by tattooing a really cool biker character riding into the sunset on T. Wood. One of my favorites was the blackbird I did on Ann Marie Lance. I was so busy that afternoon I didn’t see the monsoon that was going on outside. It still didn’t deter the Gasket Goons from bringing the Hot Rods up for the car show. Saturday night was a blast hanging with the crew from Immortal Ink, Back to Back, and the Gasket Goons.
Sunday I finished up the convention with a mermaid and a seahorse. I look forward to next years convention!